Kathleen Passidomo Florida Senate Naples legislative review
During Senator Kathleen Passidomo’s recent appearance before the Southwest Florida Community Advisory Board, it became clear why the Republican of Naples was nominated by her fellow legislators as the next President of the Florida Senate after the 2022 election.
During her nearly hour-long session with the Advisory Board, Passidomo reflected in a thoughtful and clear manner on the recent endeavors and future roles of the Florida legislature – a way that many of her colleagues in Tallahassee would well emulate.
While Passidomo, for example, raved about how much the legislature achieved during its just-concluded session – including converting an expected $ 6 billion deficit into an approved $ 101 billion budget with ample reserves, passing a major bill on reforming child protection and passing a COVID liability law to protect businesses and more – she also freely admitted to some frustration that many achievements were obscured by the attention devoted to var...