MISSING – Naples Florida Weekly
THE MERE THOUGHT that a loved one could go missing would strike unease into most people’s hearts. Yet, unlike other emergencies that could affect a household, no one offers a “do this if they’re missing” course, equivalent to the readily available community first aid and CPR training classes. Further compounding the issue is the abundance of out-of-date or complete misinformation about what to do if a family member goes missing. These circulate thanks to old TV cop shows and social media.
Following this misadvice about missing persons is the equivalent of using the old method of pumping a drowning victim’s arms over his or her head rather than applying modern mouth-to-mouth resuscitation breathing and CPR compressions. Yet, people continue to believe myths such as the supposed existence of a mandatory 48 to 72-hour waiting period before they may file a missing person report with police, even for missing children. This week, Florida Weekly attempts to dispel some of the missing pers...